Programme of Chichester Beekeepers' Meetings and other events to be held in 2024 All Chichester evening meetings are on the 3rd Wednesday in the month at 7:30pm to be held at either Boxgrove Village Hall or on Zoom but usually not both

Meeting Venue:

Boxgrove Village Hall
The Street
Boxgrove, Chichester
PO18 0EE

For Zoom meetings, link will be circulated
to members before the date.

  • HA90yUp-bee-wallpaper
  • Boxgrove Hall

22nd January

Queen rearing - Dr David Evans aka The Apiarist


19th February

Preparation for a better season - Dan Basterfield


22nd February

Lodge Hill Centre, Watersfield, Pulborough

19th March

AGM then CBKA projects update on Varroa resistant bees, Yellow-legged Asian Hornet and progress on new association apiary

Boxgrove Village Hall

15th April

The many uses of nucleus hives - Christine Coulsting

Boxgrove Village Hall

21st May

Communication in bees - Mary Murdin

Boxgrove Village Hall

West Sussex Beekeepers Association Annual Convention

A one day Beekeeping Convention is held annually at the beginning of the year. It is intended to suit all abilities, and as well as the main lectures, there is a choice of seminars to attend. The next Convention will be held on Saturday 22nd February 2025 at Lodge Hill Centre, Watersfield, Pulborough, West Sussex. Details and booking form here.